Welcome to pypixie16's documentation! ===================================== Pypixie16 is an open-source python package that allows the control of `XIA`_'s `Pixie16`_ 16-channel PXI Digital Pulse Processor. For controlling the Pixie16 the package provides an interface to XIA's C-library `SDK`_ that needs to be installed and compiled for the package to function. This python library provides all functions of the C-library as python functions, as well as, some higher level functions and classes to make data acquisition more pythonic and easy. Furthermore, this module also provides some Qt user interfaces to browse binary data files and helper functions to analyze data and tune parameters. Pypixie16 has been tested using the 64-bit version of XIA's library (>=3.3) complied with Visual Studio 2022 on Windows. To acquire data a multiprocessing pipeline can be created easily that will take binary data and transform it, for example, to pandas dataframes. Furthermore, the library also provides methods to read settings file (old style and new), and binary data. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: getting_started pixie16 contributing Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. _XIA: https://xia.com/ .. _Pixie16: https://xia.com/dgf_pixie-16.html .. _SDK: https://docs.pixie16.xia.com/